Origins of Sheffield Silver are from England and it became very widespread after Industrial Revolution in the XIX century.Royal Family Italy gave its contribution to the development of this material. Thanks to its master silversmiths that became famous all over the world.The Royal Family Combines traditional techniques with modern and contemporary, to create a unique , limited edition piece inspired by the past but perfect for present days.
起源於19世紀英國工業起飛的年代,Sheffield扮演著鋼鐵製造工廠的重要角色,在當時以銀器製造的領先者享譽國際。Royal Family 堅持將此技術留存下來,並且用現代工業設計的概念研發產品,使得創新的概念及傳統的製法,一直是Royal Family 的核心價值。Royal Family 創意總監至今仍堅持用傳統的手工藝法加上創新的思維與美學觀點來賦於每項作品的獨特價值,因為純手工所以每項單品都是獨一無二的。
Most Royal Family products are made of silverware and silverware with hand-blown glass or crystal glass. In the process of silverware, in addition to using traditional manufacturing methods, the silverware workshop is set up directly at the headquarters in Italy by each specialized masters. The masters produce every pieces with hands instead of the machines, so that each piece is unique, that you can see the traces and life of the touch on them
Royal Family 產品絕大部分有銀器也有銀器搭配手工吹製玻璃或是水晶玻璃製成。在銀器的製程方面,除了使用傳統工藝製法外,在義大利的總部內設置銀器工坊直接由每位專門師傅製作,師傅們不依靠機器純粹用手感完成作品,讓每件作品都是獨一無二的,也因為如此,Royal Family強調,你可以看到在每件作品上留有手感的痕跡跟生命。
Most of the Royal Family’s glass work are from Venice, Italy, the leading glass producer of the world.
Venice is a busy and beautiful capital city. Murano is the birthplace of the famous glass factory. There are many glass masters who have extraordinary skills. The technology is famous for blown glass. Our products of blown glass are made from here.
Royal Family大部分的玻璃作品是在世界著名玻璃出產地義大利的威尼斯玻璃工廠完成的。
All of Royal Family’s finished products come from creative ideas in life. Everything is first hand-painted and then developed into precise design drawings and finally completed by traditional craftsmanship techniques.
With manual organization and sublimation, each finished product is a unique limited-edition product.
Each material accessory has a certain quality control, and the finished product has his story and reason. This process makes the Royal Family more viable.
Royal Family 所有的成品,都來自生活上的創意發想,一切都先手繪創作,再發展成精確的設計圖後,最後由傳統的工藝技巧將它完成。
每項材料配件都有一定的品質控管,而成品都有他的故事性和緣由,這樣的過程讓Royal Family 更有生命力。